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Policies & Procedures

Camp Program Fees

A per-camper, per-session deposit is required to secure your spot at camp. Deposit amounts are applied toward the final camp balance. A $500 deposit is required for the International Travel Trip. A $100 deposit is required for all other programs.

Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable at point of registration for all programs. Please check camp dates against other obligations and vacations before registering your camper. 

Full payment is due on May 20. Before this date, refund requests will be honored minus the deposit and administrative fees. Summer at WIS offers a variety of payment options to help finance your camper's summer experience. Financial aid assistance is not available for summer camps. 

Between May 20 and May 31, any refund requests will be refunded at 50% the cost of registration. The full cost of registration is non-refundable after May 31 for any reason. 

Families who register after May 20 are required to pay in full at the time of registration.

Refunds & Cancellations

Deposits & Fees

All program deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable at point of registration. 

Refunds for any camp program fees paid beyond the deposit(s) will only be issued when written notice of cancellation is received before May 20. Between May 20 and May 31, 50% of the full cost of registration (minus deposit and fees) will be refunded. 

Refund requests that come after May 31 will not be honored. Rollover credits to the next camp season are not issued. 

Refund requests for Extended Day services must be submitted in writing at least one week prior to the start of the camp session in question. 


Cancellations Due to Medical or Emergency Circumstances

In some cases, refunds may be granted after the cancellation and refund period for medical or emergency circumstances only. A written notice of cancellation with explanation of medical or emergency circumstances must be provided for a refund request to be considered.

Additional documentation may be requested by Washington International School. Partial refunds will be at the discretion of Washington International School after reviewing the request. 

Inclement Weather

Trip and travel programs and/or outdoor activities may be canceled when weather conditions are unstable. Alternative activities will be provided. Refunds are not given when activities are canceled due to inclement weather. 

Program Cancellation

If any program is canceled by Washington International School, for any reason, a full refund will be issued on all camp program fees including the non-refundable deposit. 

If a program is canceled for any reason (including, but not limited to insufficient enrollment and staffing issues), every effort will be made to place campers in a similar program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Required Health Forms

Washington International School requires all students to be compliant with the District of Columbia Department of Health and Vaccination requirements. As of September 2021, the School mandated COVID-19 vaccines for students 12 and over. COVID vaccines for younger students are strongly recommended. Campers must be toilet trained to enroll in camp. 

The following forms are required for all campers. More information about forms can be found in your CampBrain portal after you register for summer programs. All forms must be completed and uploaded to your CampBrain account by June 2.

The following forms are required for all WISummer Program Participants

(Click Each Form to Download)

DC Health Universal Health Certificate or equivalent

OTC Medication Consent Form (signed by a physician)

Prescription Medication Form (signed by a physician)

Asthma Action Plan (signed by a physician)

Anaphylaxis Action Plan (signed by a physician)

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